Use Your Brand Assets Wisely

Online browsing happens very quickly thanks to the “endless scrolling” behavior. Unlike a pack on a physical shelf, a digital shelf only gives you a few square centimeters of visual space to tell your story and drive conversion. Simplicity is the first step to success on the digital shelf.

What happens when your brand has more than one visual cue, or you have numerous important claims to show? Here are two key factors to think about when deciding what your hero image should be on the digital shelf:

  1. What are the top Brand assets? Identify the 1 or 2 distinctive brand assets that create attention or desire. Your pack may have more cues than that, so be selective
  2. What drives ‘must have’? Communicate your product’s point-of-difference instantly to the shopper

Prioritize the elements that will work hardest to resonate with shoppers and showcase something unique. Those who are disciplined and declutter their hero images stand out on the digital shelf and drive appeal. This sounds simpler in words than in action. Getting your messaging right and telling a compelling story can be very challenging.
Therefore, it is critical that you adopt an iterative approach to test, learn, and optimize your digital visual assets. Brands disciplined about constantly testing and optimizing their visual assets can see conversion rates higher than 50% of those who fail to do so.

Our Flash.PDP™ platform helps you analyze thousands of digital images to instantly notify you which are the top-performing and deficient e-commerce images. This allows your e-commerce marketing teams to focus on using top-performing pictures every time and switching out images that don’t convert.

Join us next week on this blog to discuss our next New Year’s Resolution: Be clever with color and contrast. To learn more about our Flash.PDP platform, and to get a demo, visit or contact us here with your e-commerce questions.

Our Flash.PDP™ platform helps you analyze thousands of digital images to instantly notify you which are the top performing e-commerce images, and which are deficient. This allows your e-commerce marketing teams to focus and prioritize the images that require updating to succeed at the digital shelf.

Join us next week on this blog when we discuss our next New Year’s Resolution: Be clever with color and contrast. To learn more about our Flash.PDP platform, and to get a demo, visit or contact us here with your e-commerce questions.


Download a copy of our infographic (pictured right) now.

Visit or contact us to learn more about how we can help you at the digital shelf.

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