Newsletter: Meet Your Team in Australia & Geneva, New Case Studies, and More

We are pleased to announce our expansion into Melbourne with Liam Gilbert as Vice President. Also, we have further invested into our Geneva hub, with Lonneke de Roo joining as Senior Vice President and Sarah Heitz as Director to the growing team!

Fast, Accurate, & Cost-Effective Solution

The latest Our Best Behavior Podcast episode features Nisha Yadav (SVP) discussing how Flash.AI™ was used and the latest case studies.

Drive Shopper Growth with Twinings Tea

In our mini virtual masterclass, our Asia team (Gail Ng & Melvin Ng) sat down with Jenny Gater (Marketing Manager) of Twinings to talk about effective pack design.

Avoiding Pack Pitfalls with Eucerin

Watch the Behaviorally Speaking Livestream where Erik Olsen (VP) talks with Luis Garcia (Director of Marketing, Beiersdorf) about an interesting Eucerin case study.

5 Principles to Succeed in E-Commerce

Learn the resolutions all e-commerce marketing teams should be doing this year to convert sales in digital retail and get a demo with our new tech division, eFluence.

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Your views are critical to us as an important client. Please fill out a short survey and for each completion, we will donate $5 to Plastic Bank.

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Guided with Decision Precision.

We know exactly what your customers will decide. How they’ll react. What they’ll do. We’re data. We’re science.

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