Insights in a New Light: succeet23 and the Future of Market Research

2023-10-25 08.40.48 - squareAI Unites Global Insights Professionals: A Synthesis of Tech and Talent at succeet23

In the landscape of modern market research, the succeet23 exhibition emerged as a vibrant hub for showcasing revolutionary shifts in the insights industry. The pulse of innovation was palpable, where AI emerged as a unifying force for insights professionals from around the globe.

AI Meets Human Intelligence: The Best of Both Worlds for Insights and Strategy

The conversation around AI was less about machine versus human, and more about the harmony of their collaboration. AI, with its capacity to process and analyze vast datasets, unveils patterns invisible to the naked eye. When paired with the empathetic and nuanced understanding of human intelligence, a fuller picture emerges. This partnership paves the way for strategies that are both data-rich and deeply connected to the human experience—strategies that resonate on both a statistical and emotional level.

Hybrid and Blended Research Approaches: Productization with Customized Elements

The landscape of market research is still complex and ever-evolving, mirroring the intricacies of human behavior it seeks to understand. The blend of structured, productized solutions and agility of customized research was a prevalent theme at succeet23, signifying a shift towards methodologies that offer the best of both worlds: the efficiency and scalability of productized services, seamlessly integrated with the tailored touch that caters to unique client needs.

2023-10-25 14.33.06-1Sustainability and the Say-Do-Gap: Approaches to Overcome This Dilemma

Sustainability discussions at succeet23 weren’t limited to aspirational rhetoric. Instead, they focused on pragmatic approaches to bridging the say-do gap—the disconnect between proclaimed values and actual behavior. Tackling the say-do gap head-on requires understanding the barriers that prevent eco-friendly intentions from becoming actions. Our presentation on the first day, titled “Reaching the Sustainable Mainstream through Innovative Packaging”, was not just an exploration of the landscape but also a guide on using behavioral insights to drive consumer adoption.

To learn more about how Behaviorally can help you get the answers to your business questions and drive sales transactions, contact us today!



Christian Dössel, Senior Vice President, leads our German offices in Hamburg and Frankfurt. He is a prolific author and observer of the market research industry at large. Christian is also a regular contributor to German insights publications. Outside of Behaviorally, he likes to support the local soccer teams and explore new and exciting foods spots. Connect with Christian on LinkedIn!

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