Case Study: Perfect Bar

Case Study Blog Icons - Business Critical IssueBUSINESS CRITICAL ISSUE

Perfect Bar manufactures wholesome refrigerated protein bars that are all natural and contain no artificial preservatives. These tasty treats were offered in large and small sizes. An opportunity was identified to offer a  mid-sized option to address new usage occasions and attract new consumers.

Case Study Blog Icons - Multi-Modal EngagementCONSUMER ENGAGEMENT

Behaviorally’s Qualitative PackPath identified usage occasions, brand/product relevance, and evaluated opportunities for a mid-sized offering. Potential size variety names and packaging options were explored to determine best naming conventions.

Case Study Blog Icons - Growth OutcomesGROWTH OUTCOMES

Perfect Bar successfully launched a new size, appealing to a broader range of consumers and usage occasions with a portfolio consisting of Perfect Bar (the original), Perfect Bar Snack, and Perfect Bar Mini.

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