Sustainability is literally a core pillar in the ESG commitments made by brands in consumer package goods globally. For consumers, this is becoming more or less expected, and “table stakes” in the factors that influence shopper choice. Beyond reducing their carbon footprints, brands are making huge investments in manufacturing that is “green and clean” and ensuring that ingredients in their products are sustainably and ethically sourced.
The remaining component in the sustainability equation is packaging, and the good news is that everyday manufacturers and materials providers are making strides in the introduction of solutions that are recyclable, made from material that reduces weight in shipping, or are derived from recycled material (or in some cases reusable material). But a question some clients face is what to do about secondary packaging? Can it be eliminated and if so, what are the watch outs and pitfalls to avoid?
Secondary packaging serves many purposes including protecting the contents or product from damage before purchase, ease of stocking on shelves, or security in the case of products needing to be tamper proof. Aside from functional purposes, it also serves as “real estate” to communicate marketing claims about the product inside. The dilemma is that no matter how environmentally friendly packaging materials might be, it also creates more waste and contributes to the perception, if not the reality, of being less sustainable for the planet. Not to mention, retailers are simultaneously pressuring brands to fit more products on shelf within the same amount of space. So, what are brands to do?
Our research across consumer products have confirmed that when you are considering moving away from secondary packaging there are best practices, grounded in behavioral science, to achieve optimal in market results. Our KPIs for all packaging design decisions are based on what we call the 4S framework: the pack must be Seen, Shoppable, Seductive and Selected. Making the move to reduce or eliminate secondary packaging will be successful if the resulting primary pack, based on these criteria, can convey maximum Benefits that influence shoppers to purchase your product, and at the same time reduce Barriers that might disrupt shopper choice.
Sustainability is a pressing issue and brands need to understand the Benefits and Barriers when considering whether to eliminate secondary packaging. The key to any packaging strategy, including supporting Sustainability goals amongst all the other considerations that drive shopper growth, lies in following best practice design principles. The most effective method to validate if packaging can “stand alone” is to test against behavioral 4S metrics to see if will be Seen, Shoppable, Seductive, and Selected.
We recently published an e-book, covering our learning over 5 decades, about how to achieve successful pack design. You can downland a copy of “The Power of Packaging to Drive Shopper Growth” here. In it, we cover 10 categories of best practices, including a chapter with further details on the 4S framework – and Chapter 2, which we have dedicated entirely to the Sustainability Conundrum.
Please do not hesitate to contact us today with any of your packaging questions, including those around Sustainability, or to schedule a presentation of pack insights!
Matt Salem, SVP Client Development, loves researching anything and everything – professionally and personally! As the host of Behaviorally’s ‘Our Best Behavior’ podcast, he speaks with guests about a variety of topics tied to Driving Shopper Growth. Through the experience and perspective of various roles over 18+ years at Behaviorally (formerly PRS), he excels at ensuring clients successfully uncover shopper insights.
P.S. For more thought leadership around Sustainability, check out We Better Behave! to watch on-demand our virtual event from late in 2021. We brought together sustainability experts and insights leaders at clients in partnership with other agencies for whom Sustainability is a core value. (I am a presenter there too!)
Photo by Jess @ Harper Sunday on Unsplash