The Behaviorally Blog

“How” We Do “What” We Do > Behaviorally

Written by Molly Purcell | Apr 27, 2022 10:58:16 AM

The Importance of Corporate Responsibility and Foundational Values

In my role as Chief People Officer at Behaviorally, I get to meet so many interesting people across the industry and around the globe. One common question I get is: “What are you responsible for in your role?” I typically start off by telling them that I ensure that all our teams are supported so they can function optimally, delivering “what” we do for our clients. Furthermore, we help clients define and diagnose the moments at which they can realize value from marketing by influencing shopper choice in the digital and physical retail worlds.

“How” we achieve the “what” has an even deeper significance because it must reflect two very fundamental frameworks: Our Corporate Responsibility commitments that are reflected in our ESG goals and the 4 pillars of our Foundational Values.

If our teams don’t pay attention to the “how,” if we take shortcuts or ignore more global implications and don’t adhere to our values, then we aren’t really delivering on our promise. Without those guiding principles, we do a disservice to our clients, our shareholders, our partners, the communities in which we do business, and each other, and at the end of the day, erode the value of “what” we deliver in our work.

So, my job also includes educating, reinforcing, and enabling the initiatives that help every member of our global team understand and manifest their roles in the context of the principles that define “how” we work.

Why Corporate Responsibility as a Guiding Principle?

There was a time when it was common practice to value a company solely based on pure revenue growth and profitability. But recent years have seen stakeholders from Corporate Boards and senior leadership at the world’s largest companies to institutional fund managers and other investors rally around a common belief:  Financial calculations of shareholder value must include measurable achievements against ESG goals. These are the Environmental, Social, and Governance factors that demonstrate the sustainability and ethical impact of an investment in a business or company.

In other words, companies across the board know that their worth is now being measured in the “how” as much as “what” they deliver.

For a small consultancy like Behaviorally, this might seem a tall order. But whether it is taking a serious look at reducing our carbon footprint through the acceleration of our digital solutions or instituting hybrid working scenarios to reduce employees’ commuting, we are looking at every element of our working lives and making tangible incremental adjustments toward the greater good.

Our diversity objectives don’t stop at our hiring practices; we are introducing step-change ways of making our research more inclusive, reflecting gender, race, and ethnicity as factors in survey design, respondent recruitment, and even the way we report our results.

We take time out of our busy days to give back to the communities in which we do business, enabling employee volunteers to participate in things like Habitat for Humanity construction projects on company “time.”

And lastly, we make our environmental commitments tangible:  We have signed the Market Research Society Net Zero Pledge to reduce our own carbon footprint by 2026. We regularly contribute to organizations who are doing the hard work to reverse climate change and regularly run events like our We Better Behave! sustainability conference with clients and other research partners, showcasing the work brands are contributing to sustainability initiatives.

Our Foundational Values

When a new starter asks me, “How can I succeed at Behaviorally?” I point them to a blueprint that is right there on the careers page of our website. It is our very simple, but not at all simplistic, 4 Pillars of Foundational Values:


Our Growth: we define tomorrow, today

This is reflected in our future-focused innovation initiatives and our commitment to continuous improvement in all our processes and operations.

Our Team: we trust each other in all we do

We can be counted on to show up for our teams and our clients committed to doing our best every day.

Our Culture: we work smart to live well

We know that delivering on our company promises will enable us all to realize our personal growth and financial goals.

Our Impact:  we act boldly to deliver outcomes

We do what it takes, even when the unexpected forces us to think outside the usual playbook, to serve our clients’ needs.

The roles any team member may play in the company, and the “what’s” of their job descriptions may be different. But when anyone asks, I guarantee them that if the “how” of their jobs is guided by the NorthStar of these 4 Foundational Values, they are sure to succeed! And I am pleased to report that I haven’t been wrong yet!

The Author

Adam Overell serves as Behaviorally’s Chief People Officer, bringing over 15 years of experience managing people, processes and projects in various industry verticals. He is responsible for supporting the global teams, empowering and equipping all staff through development and training to meet corporate and individual goals. His responsibilities also include ensuring that the Company is efficiently organized and focused on delivering on their ESG goals as well as overseeing the Company’s legal and corporate compliance through good governance.

Most recently, he held the role of VP of Logistics and Projects at PRS IN VIVO globally for 4 years after leading the Administrative Resources team in the Americas for 7 years. An Australian native, Adam previously worked in project implementation and execution in commercial construction, facing the day-to-day challenges of managing hundreds of staff members all while ensuring budget, safety standards and delivery milestones were met.