The Behaviorally Blog

Case Study: Tom's of Maine

Written by behaviorally | May 23, 2024 12:00:00 PM


Tom’s of Maine started their re-design journey in 2022 for its deodorant to create more modern and simple packaging to increase appeal for Tom’s. A key challenge was to find a packaging structure with color and graphics that appealed to all genders in a traditionally-defined category. In early stages of the pack design process, Behaviorally conducted visual equities research to help understand what elements of the pack were vital to drive appeal for the brand.


After visual equities were identified, the team leveraged a variety of qualitative, quantitative & AI approaches for iterative learning & optimizations where a winning design route was chosen.


Through multiple rounds of design optimizations and rigorous testing, the final optimized design showed significant improvement across key areas including notable lifts in navigation at shelf, sustainability and natural perceptions, and many more.

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